Two models to meet yourbusiness needs and budget 

Our cost-effective MC67NA Base modelis available in Windows, while theMC67NA Premium offers maximumrugged specifications, processingpower, scanning performance and achoice of Android or Windows.

Our most rugged compactmobile computer 

Whatever your employees dish out,the MC67 can take it. You can drop it onconcrete, drop it in water, use it in theheat, cold, rain, snow and more.

A brilliant display for easy reading 

The 3.5 in. resistive display is exceptionallybright for easy reading, even in brightsunlight, with the power efficiencyrequired to maximize battery cycle times.

Advanced scanning technology 

No matter what type of bar code yourworkers need to scan, the MC67 cancapture it. Scan 1D and 2D bar codesat laser speed — even if the codes aredirty, damaged or poorly printed. Withmultiple scan engine options, you cantailor the MC67 to provide the bestperformance on the types of bar codesin use in your enterprise

The power you need to supportvirtually any application 

Workers enjoy best-in-class performancewith plenty of room for multiple apps,photos, databases and more with dualcore 800 MHz or 1 GHz processors andthe most memory in this class. 

High-speed cellular and Wi-Fiwireless connections 

4G HSPA+, 802.11a/b/g/n, Bluetooth2.1 EDR and best-in-class GPS bringsyour workers the best voice, data andperipheral connections available